These are commonly asked questions that have been submitted. All answered by a Elite Relaxation Specialists here at M.I.A. If you have any question, you can contact us to submit a question that you feel would be helpful to not just you but everyone else who visits our website that may be searching also. As Licensed Professional Massage Therapists, we have been asked everything under the sun & more. We make it our duty to educated clients & the world about our Services. There is no such thing as a dumb question. If you do not see a question that should be featured, please visit the bottom of this page to submit a question
Q. I'VE never had a massage before. what do I do? I'M nervous..
A. I'm here to just remind you that I am Licensed with an accredited School, Graduated & completed ALL my course. I'm Certified in CPR & FIRST AID just in case! I've Massaged well over 4000 clients & I'm here to help and remind you that you don't have to do anything you don't want to. I’ve been there & was nervous too.. & if I could have changed anything about my first-time experience, it would be that I would want a professional- instead of a student -Nina at M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Specialists
Q. "masseuse"? "Happy ending"?
A. I'm going to be real with you. A "masseuse" is a prostitute who provides "Happy Endings," which means inappropriate sexual behavior, which is ILLEGAL. I am NOT a "masseuse." I DO NOT offer "happy endings". I AM a Licensed PROFESSIONAL MASSAGE THERAPIST. I DO NOT participate in ILLEGAL activity of any sort & I will not tolerate the word's misuse. Terms like "Happy Endings" & "Masseuse" are offensive to me. I am here to educate anyone who may be misinformed. Mishaps result in IMMEDIATE session termination with the client being BLACKLISTED. -Nina at M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Specialists
Q. do i really need massage?
A. People seek massage therapy for various reasons – to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness. Receiving Massage Therapy daily for over 8 months changed my life in every way, space & form! I’ve had over 30-50 recurring ankle injuries that controlled my life down to the T. Now I've had almost a full year of NO ANKLE TWISTING. Massage helps me reconnect to the world around me by strengthening my preconception. I avoided working on it more and more as time went by & the more injuries I had, the more guarded I was. It just got to where I didn't want anyone to touch my legs or feet & in turn, I became more disconnected. I feel that nowadays, we live in a world of full disconnect from any one-on-one human interaction. Therapeutic Massage is basic human nature. Massage should never be avoided, in my option. Not to mention, Massage has thousands of Health Benefits! There is a Message technique out there for everyone! They are endless! I’ve never been more comfortable in my skin & transformed in my whole life than when I started making time out for me. -Nina at M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Specialists
Q. What is Massage Therapy?
A. Massage therapy is a manual manipulation of soft body tissues (muscle, connective tissue, tendons, and ligaments) to enhance a person’s health and well-being. There are dozens of types of massage therapy methods (also called modalities). Massage is one of the oldest healing arts:
Chinese records dating back 4,000 years document its use.
The ancient Hindus, Persians, and Egyptians applied forms of massage for many ailments.
Hippocrates wrote papers recommending the use of rubbing and friction for joint and circulatory problems. -Google
Q. do you have any links about massage therapy that i could look at other than here?
Q. How Does Scheduling a professional massage work?
A. Suppose this is your first time getting a Professional Massage. In that case, it is required that you complete a Client Intake Form/Body Assessment, which takes a total of 20-30 minutes. If I'm coming to you, then I will be at least 40 minutes early to go over any questions you have about the Massage Process & go over your intake form & talk about why you are seeking massage. I also have the option for you to download the Client Intake Form to fill it out on your phone & email it back to me if that is more convenient for you. It’s essential that you also read the Terms & Conditions along with the Private Policy. It states that you are responsible for filling the form out to the best of your knowledge with any health conditions. Sometimes the massage you want isn't necessarily the massage you can have because of health risks. In most cases, I might require you to get a consent form from your doctor saying that you are okay to receive massage if there are many health problems. If there are any questions at all, you can contact me through email, text, call, Facebook; however, you feel most comfortable. -M.I.A associate
Q. What Types of Massage services are offered?
A. You can see all our services we offer with more information here
Q. who will be my professional massage therapist?
Q. how much should i tip the professional massage therapist?
A. If you get a massage at a spa or hotel, a 15% to 20% tip is standard if you were pleased with the services. I say it is always appreciated, but you can still show your appreciation by referring friends, family, and co-workers to me!
Q. How do i schedule another appointment?
A. You can start scheduling anytime you want! You can call to schedule anytime on our website.
Q. how much clothing should i remove?
A. It depends on the type of modality you are requesting. You only dress down to YOUR comfortably. If your problem areas are your lower back, hips, buttocks, shoulder blades, or groin, tight-fitting underwear or bras get in the way of working on problem areas. I have been trained "draping" in a spa, medical/clinical setting, so I always make sure you feel secure & never exposed. I always make sure to keep extra heavier blankets just if the sheet & towel feel too light.
Q. Whats the cancellation policy?
A. can be viewed here in our Term & Conditions
Q. Do you accept insurance?
A. Not at this time
Q. how to prepare for a massage?
A. Personal hygiene should be part of your everyday routine, especially before a massage. A quick shower will be the most sanitary option. Please don't worry about hairy legs, hairy armpits, or hairy toes. Hydration is just as important before the massage as it is after. Most of us don’t drink good enough, old-fashioned, plain water. As a result, we’re usually somewhat dehydrated. Just a 2% drop in our body’s hydration can trigger symptoms. Thirst is an obvious sign of dehydration; fatigue, aches, and lack of mental focus can be others. Plumped-up body tissues (including muscles) are more pliable. This allows for a more satisfying and more effective massage. Supple muscles are also better at releasing toxins (such as a build-up of lactic acid) that are trapped within them.
– When you are properly hydrated, you are less likely to feel “bruised and battered” following a massage. If you’ve ever experienced flu-like symptoms following an incredibly long or deep massage, it may have been due in part to dehydration. – Water helps the circulatory system work more effectively. This, in turn, benefits the lymphatic system, which “piggybacks” a ride in the pulsation of the circulatory system. The lymphatic system is essential in the body’s ability to fight, manage and eliminate infection. – Water assists in the body’s waste elimination processes (urination, defecation, perspiration and respiration). Toxins in the body – including those in your muscles and lymphatic system, are eliminated via these processes. Avoid caffeine, sugary drinks and alcohol prior to and just after receiving massage. These are dehydrating. Plain water is the very best way to hydrate. In general, doctors recommend 8-10 servings of water a day. Wear what makes you feel comfortable,
Q. What is a Travel Rate?
A. Travel Rates are to be determined depending on the distance. $120 an hour & up plus $1 for every mile
Q. WHAT'S the step by step process?
Q. where are you located?
A. in Canton Texas