Free Consultation
We are now offering Free Consultations for all New Clients. We can tell you exactly how we can help based on the information you provide. Our online intake forms are safe & secure HIPPA regulated for your convenience and peace of mind. After your information is submitted, we will follow up with you to answer any questions or concerns. Nina, our lead Elite Relaxation Specialists, will develop a treatment plan and explain all the techniques she recommends to help you feel most comfortable. For a Free Consultation, fill out this intake form here, and we will contact you shortly.
“⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Great experience, she is very friendly and I felt totally comfortable. My skin feels and looks amazing and it was a wonderful experience overall”
Our Goal
We are goal-based, delivering you the best results by focusing on precisely what you want. We ensure we provide the best client-centered environment during the office visit by merely listening, making your experience feel like home if not better. Here we use Professional+ Massage Therapy like stress and pain management by helping the body and mind reset, training it to learn to process and deal with that pain or stress. Not addressing these issues will result in many health problems by lowering the immune system, limiting the range of motion in the body, and low blood circulation. That's just listing a few. These bad habits & repetitive movements build up muscle tension, allowing them to return, continuing the same cycle through muscle memory. After each session or treatment is complete, we'll discuss our observation of how the muscles react based on our professional knowledge. From there, we determine how often you need to return for the maximum and quickest benefits. Consistency is key. We do not want the body or mind to revert to when it was in pain or stressed, and for you to think massage doesn't work. What sets us apart from everyone else in the Canton area is our Elite Relaxation Specialists-driven passion for our profession. We know and believe Massage Therapy will change your life because it has changed ours.
““Massage Therapy is one of the healthiest habits you can develop to replace all the other bad habits that are depleting your quality of life””
Who We Are
M.I.A's Elite Relaxation Services & Treatments are not only available through resort luxury spas, upscale and expensive health clubs, but to Canton, First Monday Trades Days, and surrounding areas as well. Here we Provide the utmost License Professional Massage Therapy with a touch of Spa treatment to businesses, clinics, hospitals, airports, and are quickly becoming the number one choice for an all-natural alternative treatment for pain relief and stress management. Not only do we have extensive knowledge of the body's anatomy, but we have the experience. All Elite Relaxation Specialists are State Licensed, CPR & First Aid Certified with 800 hours accredited education from the Steiner Education Group.
“With the way the world is today, Everyone needs to go MIA for a while”
Our Philosophy
We have a philosophy here at M.I.A "timeouts used to mean trouble, now that we don't have them we are troubled". Today we live in a world of disconnect and fear. Some of the lies we tell ourselves are, "This is how it's always been & there is nothing wrong with that," and that couldn't be further from the truth. We believe that the answer to most life's dilemmas is just only one-word, MASSAGE. The body & the mind needs to be stress-free. Once you take the time out for yourself, then everything else falls into place.
“Timeouts used to mean trouble, now that we don’t have them we are troubled”
Not “just a Massage”
It's a fact that daily habits of substance abuse, lack of exercise, poor nutrition significantly impact mental and physical health. Too much stress contributes to Anxiety, Digestive disorders, Fibromyalgia, Headaches, Insomnia, Myofascial pain syndrome, Soft tissue strains, recurring injuries, limited range of motion, nerve compression, circulation, blood pressure issues, mind-body awareness mental and emotional stress affecting endorphins, dopamine, serotonin production responsible for mood elevation. In this sense, massage is a long-term healthcare investment. When you incorporate them into your wellness plan, you could even see a reduction in talk therapy costs.
“More Sessions =Better Results”