M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Specialists

At M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Specialists in Canton Texas - Home of the First Monday Trades Days- we offer top quality Service from Elite Relaxation Professionals in a local safe environment. Our clients are our #1 Top Priority- whatever your needs are- Pain Relief, Relaxation, Deep Tissue, Sports, Maintenance or Spa Services- We are a client center facility that values your time & our reputation. We pride ourselves on our online reviews and word of mouth by our Elite Members! We have services to fit every budget. Not only do we have the best prices in town for the quality, but all our Elite Relaxation Specialists are knowledgeable & loyal. Our Treatments are 100% completely custom to fit every need. Check out our exclusive specials, packages and digital online gift certificates. Strictly By Appointment Only. We highly recommend scheduling online

Deep Tissue

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JustGoMIA.Rest (1080 x 1080 px) (3000 x 3000 px) (14).gif

Deep Tissue


30min - $66

60min - $132

90min - $198

120min - $264


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Who is Deep Tissue Massage Good For?

M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Deep Tissue Massage Therapy is great for anyone who is needing

  • more targeted work on specific areas with a lot of tension

  • pain relief in a specific area that has been bothering them for a long time



M.I.A Elite Relaxation Deep tissue massage therapy uses deeper pressure that is beneficial in releasing chronic muscle tension. The focus is on the deepest layers of muscle tissue, tendons and fascia (the protective layer surrounding muscles, bones and joints). Designed to remove severe tension, deep tissue massage is a technique used to relieve both muscles and connective tissue below the surface. It helps to improve the range of motion and heal injuries below the surface. This includes ALL deeper bodywork +$10 on the original basic Swedish Massage price. A study in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that people's blood pressure fell after a single 45 to 60-minute deep tissue massage. Additionally, a 2010 meta-analysis in the Journal of Clinical Psychiatry found that massage modalities like deep tissue reduce stress hormone levels and heart rate while boosting mood and relaxation by triggering the release of oxytocin and serotonin. Please talk with your Elite Relaxation Specialist to see if a deep tissue massage therapy would be beneficial for you. *Includes Trigger Point and or Fascia Releases


Who is Deep Tissue Massage NOT Good For?

M.I.A The Elite Relaxation Deep Tissue Massage Therapy is not a good option for anyone with the following

  • Atherosclerosis - a build-up of plaque in artery walls. Care needs to be taken so that any thrombi are not dislodged (See under 'Embolism and Thrombi'.

  • Arteriosclerosis - hardening of the arteries. Care is needed because there is usually some atherosclerosis and high blood pressure associated with this. No bodywork in advanced stages. Get medical clearance for your work if the client takes medication for circulatory problems.

  • Autoimmune diseases- The immune system produces antibodies against the body's own tissues. Don't work on acutely inflamed tissues.

  • a) Lupus - attacks the connective tissue mainly in the skin, kidneys, joints and heart. Contraindicated during acute flares.

  • b) Rheumatoid arthritis - immune system attacks the joints, and its associated muscles, tendons, ligaments and blood vessels; contraindicated during inflammatory stage. (Note: With "osteoarthritis" deep bodywork tends to be more successful).

  • c) Scleroderma ("hardened skin") - a buildup of collagen fibers around organs (problems with absorption when around the small intestines) and in the dermis of the skin; increasing stiffness at joints along with muscle weakness. Contraindicated during inflammatory phase.

  • d) Ankylosing spondylitis - inflammation of tissues around the spine causing the connective tissues of the sacrum and spine to solidify. Don't work on areas of pain and inflammation in acute episodes.

  • Bipolar Disorder (manic -depressive): during manic phase, deep bodywork could be contraindicated, since it could then increase the amplitude of the extreme mood-swings.

  • Borderline (as psychological diagnosis, originally understood as diagnosis for clients on the border between neurosis and full psychosis): Be careful. There have been (very) few reports about deep work triggering a psychotic episode. Full psychosis is in most cases a contraindication, and of course should be performed with supervision by a psychiatrist.

  • Cerebral Palsy: Result of Cerebral Palsy & Rolfing¨ study: in mild and moderate cases Rolfing¨ helpful; serious cases might get worse. Most recent science info: connective tissue restrictions more important factor in CP patients than was thought before (e.g. tissue shortness in the triceps surae often limits walking ability in terms of very limited dorsiflexion mobility of the feet).

  • Cancer: Connective tissue can often act as a barrier to the spread of cancer by encapsulating the cancerous cells. The problem is that deep work could theoretically cause the cancerous cells to metastasize (move through circulatory or lymphatic system to other places in the body). Usually okay if the person has a clean bill of health for 5 years. Pay special attention to lumps in abdomen, or lymph nodes in groin or armpit. (Lumps in abdomen could be hard feces. Let client monitor it: if no change after 3 days, perhaps have it examined). After mastectomy: check with doctor whether massage in the area (incl. the arm) is indicated. Sometimes it is not advisable to increase the lymphatic flow in that area.

  • Connective tissue disease: E.g. osteomyelitis, lupus, scleroderma: no deep work.

  • Diabetes: Be careful about tissue condition and loss of sensation. Don't do deep work on area of recent insulin injection: could accelerate Insulin uptake.

  • Embolism or Thrombus: a) Venous emboli - usually land in the lungs causing pulmonary embolism. b) Arterial emboli - can lodge themselves in the coronary arteries (heart attack); the brain (stroke), the kidneys, or the legs (phlebitis). Deep bodywork is contraindicated because of the risk of dislodging a thrombus. If the client takes blood thinners as a medical precaution against clotting, ask for a medical clearance for any kind of deep tissue work affecting the circulatory system.

  • Epileptics: avoid hyperventilation

  • Headaches: Some types of headaches get worse with any kind of massage around the head/neck/shoulder area. This is quite common for migraines in the acute stage, probably due to infection and/or CNS over-stimulation. If the client has previous experience with receiving massage as a remedial treatment, they can often tell whether it is helpful or not to work on their upper body. Tension headaches (which are usually more bilateral) tend to respond more positively.

  • Heart conditions: OK. if not restricted from exercise (if fingernails get purple or blue, stay off)

  • Hemangioma: These are congenital benign tumors, made up of newly formed blood vessels. Different types, usually on the skin, yet sometimes also in brain and viscera. Specially in cases of known visceral type (e.g. hepatic hemangioma) no deep work in this area because of the severe danger of internal bleeding.

  • Herpes (and other potentially infectious skin conditions, including warts): Don't touch infected areas.

  • High blood pressure (extreme): Don't work in way that makes clients hold breath. Deep work on uncontrolled high blood pressure patients should be with medical supervision (deep bodywork often RAISES blood pressure).

  • Impaired elimination systems: Use caution with colostomies, Candida, kidney, and liver issues; careful. More spacing between sessions

  • Intervertebral disc problems: With non-acute cases, avoid shearing motions and extreme bending. Don't decompensate a stable system. With acute cases: although bodywork can help creating space for the retreat of the tissue and to resolve some of the secondary compensations, be very careful and don't work on the affected segment alone since local muscle spasms may have developed there as an important protection for the slipped disk. Releasing this muscular bracing too soon may put the client in danger.

  • I.U.D.: Be careful with any deep abdominal work in female clients which use an intra-uterine device for birth control. It is possible that an I.U.D may become displaced, possibly leading to complications.

  • Menstruation (if strong): If the client tends to have very strong menstruation symptoms with high amount of blood loss, any kind of deep tissue work or even massage in the area of pelvis, abdomen and thighs - if done around the days of the client's period - can sometimes increase circulation and therefore the severity of the menstruation. Conclusion: either give the client the option to cancel a session for that reason if the date collides with a strong period at the same time; or give only a very gentle movement awareness session which does not tend to increase circulation in the pelvic region.

  • Nose work, special conditions: For any intranasal work be especially careful with regular cocaine users, nasal polyps, and nose surgery including cosmetic surgery.

  • Pain medication: Use caution regarding reduced sensation and greater possibility of tissue or nerve damage. (Same with paresthesia)

  • Pregnancy: Rule of thumb: no deep work. Be aware: danger of triggering a miscarriage by strong myofascial work is greatest during first 3 months (specially through work around the pelvis, abdomen, adductors, medial legs, or feet). Later in pregnancy this gets less likely. If you work with somebody who is pregnant, you may want to have them sign a form that they are aware of the increased risks and still want to get deep work from you, etc.

  • Varicose veins: Don't work veins.

  • Whiplash: If inflamed, it might get worse.

  • * Abscess teeth (no intraoral work)

  • * Aneurysm

  • * Bone fractures or acute soft tissue injuries: wait for full healing (6 weeks - 3 months)

  • * Clients on Cortisone: (wait 2-3 months)

  • * Feverish clients

  • * Hemophiliacs

  • * Hodgkin's disease (cancer of lymph system)

  • * Inflammatory conditions (includes such things as tendonitis and bursitis; contraindicated during acute stages; work peripheral to site possible when inflammation has subsided)

  • * Infectious conditions (with some exceptions, like HIV: get medical supervision)

  • * Leukemia

  • * Osteoporosis (usually found in post-menopausal women)

  • * Phlebitis: same risk as for 'embolism or thrombus'

  • * Recent scar tissue (including regular or plastic surgeries): no work on this area until scarring process is complete (usually at least 6 weeks).